There is no entitlement in titles.There are a lot of empty vessels outside carrying lorry loads of titles as if that is a symbol of productivity! Yes.
But what about effective labourers in the kingdom...sweating,forceful and impact-ful who would have more open doors,gain greater audience with people,attract more respect,have better self esteem with a Doctor of Divinity title(Dr) attached to their name?
Going through the names of great men of God of the immediate past generation and of our times:I found out that 80% of them carry Honourary Doctorate Titles!
See, the list is extremely interesting and thoght provoking
1. Dr. Oral Roberts:
This man built America most prestigious Conservative Christian University, the world's largest Full Gospel University! He was America's greatest Healing Evangelist in the 20th century having a major TV ministry, with a vast influence in Full-Gospel Circles.
Oral Roberts University Campus has been described as the "most beautiful 500 acres of developed real estate in the world, with almost every building on campus being of award-winning design.
This man's title was not earned,it was an honorary title!
2.Benny Hinn
The man behind the the world's Largest Healing Ministry, who preaches regularly to large crowds of millions has honourary doctorate title though he did not finish college
3.Pat Robertson
Founder of the world's first and most influential Christian television network(CBN),host of The 700 Club for over 30 years, founder of both the Christian Coalition and the American Center for Law and Justice,Pat also founded Regents University. He benefited immensely from his honourary Doctorate
Many other carriers of honourary "Dr" are
"Dr." J. Frank Norris (who pastored America's Two-Largest Churches simultaneously for years), Dr. Jerry Falwell ,, Dr. Robert Schuller (a tremendous ministry), Dr. Billy Graham (America's Greatest Evangelist), Dr. Jack Hyles (Pastored the World's Largest Sunday School), Dr. Walt Hanford, Dr. Harold Sightler, Dr. Oral Roberts (Oral Roberts University), Dr. Ralph Rice, Dr. Donald Howard Jr.,(founder of ACE Ministries), Dr. Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ);
Dr. Rod Parsley, Dr. Pat Robertson, Dr. Fred Price, Dr. T.D. Jakes, Dr. Jack Van Impe, Dr. Tim LaHaye (of the Left Behind Series), Dr. Hal Lindsey ,Dr. Roy Thompson, Dr. David Gibbs, Dr. Franklin Graham;
Dr. Greg Dixon, Dr. Tom Watson, Dr. Tom Malone, Dr. Bruce Cummings; Dr. Harold Henniger, Dr. Curtis Hutson, Dr. Jimmy Swaggart, Dr. John R. Rice (who led the US Largest Revival Weekly Newspaper and Bible Conferences), Dr. Lester Roloff (had a tremendous ministry) Dr. D. James Kennedy (Premier Presbyterian Ministry), Dr. Marilyn Hickey, Dr. Mike Murdoch, Dr. Benny Hinn, Dr. Perry Stone, Dr. Eddie Long, and even Dr. David Paul Yonggi Cho, pastor of the Worlds Largest Local Church in South Korea . . .
If these Generals in God's Army deem it fit to receive Honorary Doctorate,then why cant you?
One very important thing to also note is that a lot of these people were not yet stars before they recieved the Doctorate!
If having a Dr before your name will open an extra door for your ministry,grant you a greater respect,make some unbelievers to listen to you,give you a greater self esteem,then I think you need it!